Terms of Service

Service Agreement

This MenuUp.us Service Agreement is between MenuUp LLC. and “Customer” with its principal place of business as provided during Plan / Account sign-up process, on behalf of itself and its Affiliates. MenuUp LLC websites allows its customers to use various software service through such websites. MenuUp LLC and “Customer” hereby agree that the following terms and conditions will apply to the services and software provided by MenuUp LLC websites to “Customer”.

Acceptance of Terms

By purchasing and/or registering an account for a website owned by MenuUp LLC ( “Service”) or by using Service or continuing to use the Service, this Service Agreement is valid and in effect. Usage of Service includes all content and functionality available through the websites, its sub-sites, owned by MenuUp LLC.

MenuUp LLC and you (the “customer”) fully agree to the following terms and conditions. You represent that you are 18 years of age or older and have the legal power and authority to enter into this agreement. If you are signing up to use MenuUp LLC various products and services on behalf of a company, you represent that you have complete authority to bind the “Customer” to the terms governing the use of the MenuUp LLC services, and the term “customer” means your company, all of its employees and its Affiliates. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, or if you do not have the authority, then you must stop using MenuUp LLC products and services.

Customer and User

The term “Customer” shall mean the individual, a business or a legal entity including its employees, affiliates, partners, customers, contractors and agents registering for any MenuUp LLC product or Service via any MenuUp LLC web site. The term “User” and “Users” shall mean an individual, and if the “Customer” is representing a business or a legal entity, the term shall also encompass its employees, affiliates, partners, customers, contractors or agents, who access the Service established by the “Customer”.

Accurate Customer Information

The Customer agrees to provide MenuUp LLC with accurate billing and contact information, including legal name, company name (if applicable), street address, telephone number, and Email address. The Customer also agrees to notify MenuUp LLC of any changes to this information within a period not to exceed 30 days. MenuUp LLC reserves the right to terminate Customer access to the Service, without any obligation to return Customer data, if the Customer provides false or fraudulent contact or billing information.


By using the MenuUp.us website (“Service”); or continued use shall be deemed to be agreement to establish and maintain Service by the Account User and to abide by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Service will provide the Customer with the use of MenuUp.us software through Web browsers.

Service Access and Availability

The Customer is responsible for obtaining and maintaining all computer hardware, software and communications equipment needed to access any MenuUp LLC Service, and for paying all third-party access charges incurred while using the Service. MenuUp LLC will attempt to provide continuous availability and access to Services. In the event that we are unable to provide access for reason beyond our control, we will communicate the reasons for the outage and expected duration of the outage clearly and explicitly to the Customer. These outages could be due to third parties that the Service depends on, such as but not limited to hosting service providers, internet service providers, and/or other third party service providers.

Proprietary Software and License

Customer acknowledges, and agrees, that the Service uses proprietary software (the “Software”) owned by MenuUp LLC; and the Customer is being granted an individual, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Customer acknowledges, and agrees, that the Customer, its employees or agents, are expressly prohibited, directly or indirectly, from attempting to discover the source code, underlying algorithms, or technology of the Software; rent, lease, sell, assign, or transfer rights to the Software; modify or make derivative works based on the Software; or use the Software in any service bureau or timeshare capacity. The Customer acknowledges, and agrees, that MenuUp LLC retains exclusive ownership throughout the world of its Software, including portions or copies, and all rights not expressly granted to the Customer are reserved by MenuUp LLC.

Paid Service Plan

Customer agrees to have bought an account of a website owned by MenuUp LLC in accordance to a “Service Plan” selected on in a Web Site owned by MenuUp LLC during checkout (buying) process. Customer further acknowledges and agrees that Customer will be entitled to pay an amount at least equal to the price of the “Service Plan” bought by the Customer for every billing period/cycle in advance of the billing cycle. Customer understands that “Service Plan” offers a maximum limit on their usage in terms of number of Registered or Active Users, and other factors described in the plan such as storage, encoding or bandwidth consumed by the Customer in a given billing period/cycle. Customer agrees to use MenuUp LLC for the paid account in accordance to these limits. However, in case Customer does exceed these limits, set forth by the service purchased by the Customer, Customer will be liable to pay the difference of amount as defined in service agreement and revised time to time.

Last Updated

Last Updated: January 17, 2019